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Baptism / Thanksgiving

Baptism or Thanksgiving?

We all want to mark the birth our child. At Penshurst there are 2 ways we do this:


This ceremony involves the use of water. It’s designed for people who follow Jesus and want to teach their children to do the same.

As a follower of Jesus you will want to fully integrate into the life and fellowship of the local church, taking on all the responsibilities and benefits of membership.

In an adult baptism the person professes that Jesus is their Lord and Saviour. They have made the choice to follow His ways and engage in the life of His people.

In an infant baptism the parents professes that Jesus is their Lord and Saviour. They commit to raise their child following Christ and being part of the church community.

Thanksgiving and naming

This ceremony involves lighting a candle.

This service does not require parents to make commitments as disciples of Jesus.

Instead, we pray for the child and light a candle to mark a new life that we want to shine in the world.


If you are not a committed follower Jesus and engaged in church life then this is the best option for you. You can have God parents and we will commit your child to the Lord.


I hope these explanations make it easier for you to decide for yourself what it is you really desire for your child and for yourself.
Please feel free to contact PAC (by phone, or online) if you need any more information, or would like to talk to us about arranging a thanksgiving or baptism, for yourself or your child.

Senior Pastor

2 Carrington Street Penshurst NSW 2222 | Phone: +61 401 539 736

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